Programs and Services
Community-based training courses offered to provide an introduction to firefighting training.
Information about disaster recovery and disaster financial assistance.
Drinking water is an important issue to NWT residents and we want to clarify and explain how drinking water is made safe.
Training, Water Sampling, SOP's, Forms. Log Sheets, Resources for Water Treatment Plant Operators.
Learn more about how emergencies are managed in the NWT.
FPW, held every October across North America, educates people about the risk of home fires and ways to minimize them.
For firefighters and/or community fire departments that have made significant contributions to the NWT Fire Service.
Fireworks are regulated in the Northwest Territories by the Fire Works Regulations of the Fire Prevention Act.
It encompasses the provision of ambulance service within communities and on adjacent public highways.
The risks that pose the greatest threat to the people, property, environment and economy of the NWT.
Funding for high performance NWT athletes to assist with the costs associated with training and competing in their chosen sport.
Learning conferences are put on every year to create space for community government staff to share knowledge and experience.
MACA licenses and regulates charity bingos, Nevada tickets, casinos and raffles under the Lotteries Act in some communities.
If you are a new MACA Learn user or need further support to continue taking MACA Learn courses.
Resources for the Public, Candidates thinking of running for municipal elections; Elected candidates and Returning Officers.
The NGO Stabilization Fund is a contribution program that provides special funding to stabilize NGO's
NWT Alert is the Northwest Territories public alerting system.
NWT Youth Corps supports programs that target non-mainstream, at-risk, and out of school NWT youth under 25 years of age.