Be Ready for Emergencies

Be Ready for Emergencies

Be Ready: For severe storms

In the North, we’re no stranger to extreme weather. But sometimes, it can cause serious problems. Know what to do when facing storms in the NWT

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Storms in the NWT

Heavy rain

Heavy rain events have increased in some regions of the NWT in recent years. Heavy rain can happen anywhere. In certain cases it can lead to localized or widespread flooding if conditions are severe enough.


Defined by winds of 40 km/h or greater are expected to cause widespread reductions in visibility to 400 metres or less, due to blowing snow, or blowing snow in combination with falling snow, for at least four hours.

Blizzards can contribute to power outages, communications outages, car accidents, getting lost on-the-land, building damage or exposure to the elements leading to injury or death.

Thunder and lightning

Thunder and lightning storms can be dangerous to people on the land, contribute to power outages, and are the number one cause of wildfires in the Northwest Territories.


Many areas in the Northwest Territories are very flat and do not have much tree cover. This means strong and gusty winds can happen almost anywhere in the NWT. These conditions can lead to property damage or create unsafe travelling conditions.

Ice storms

While relatively uncommon in the NWT, ice storms can cause serious damage to homes, vehicles, and critical infrastructure like power plants and powerlines.

Ice storms are caused by severe freezing rainfall. They generally occur in the lead up to winter or during the spring thaw, when temperatures may be warm enough for rain to fall while conditions on theground allow that rain to freeze.


Pellets of ice falling from the sky, which can range in size from small to large. With enough hail, serious damage can occur to property. Hail most often occurs over spring and summer.