Under the Business Licence Act, MACA issues business licences to:
- Businesses operating outside community boundaries.
MACA also issues business licences in communities that do not issue their own business licences. This is available as an eService. These communities are:
- Colville Lake
- Dettah
- Fort Good Hope
- Fort Resolution
- Gametì
- Hay River Reserve
- Jean Marie River
- Kakisa
- Lutselk’e
- Nahanni Butte
- Sambaa K’e
- Tsiigehtchic
- Wekweeti
All other NWT communities issue their own business licences, and interested businesses must obtain a business licence from the community government.
To obtain a licence for your business, you must fill out an application, pay a fee and provide proof of Worker’s Safety and Compensation Commission coverage. Under the Pawnbrokers and Second Hand Dealers Act, if you wish to open a pawnbroker’s shop or a second-hand store, there are other regulations that you must comply with in addition to those covering all other businesses.