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2018 Hamlets Candidates List (pdf/179.97 Ko)
2018 CTV CANDIDATES LIST (pdf/99 Ko)
2018 Cities, Towns & Villages Election Results (pdf/213.31 Ko)
2018 CTV Election Calendar (pdf/29.21 Ko)
2018 Hamlets Election Calendar (pdf/96.61 Ko)
TC_Elections_Proxy_Form_Chief (pdf/148.89 Ko)
TC_Elections_Proxy_Form_Councillor (pdf/149.23 Ko)
TC - Sample Letter to Candidate Advising Ineligibility (pdf/119.14 Ko)
TC - Voter Eligibility Poster (pdf/105.24 Ko)
TC - Notice List of Nominees (pdf/80.74 Ko)
Application to Authorize Proxy Voter - Councillor (pdf/145.77 Ko)
Ballot Tally Sheet (pdf/78.89 Ko)
Candidates Agents Form (pdf/93.61 Ko)
Elections The 10‐step Proxy Process: (pdf/80.14 Ko)
Eligibility of Voters Notice Municipal Elections (pdf/113.71 Ko)