Community Government Finance Training

What is the purpose of the program?

The purpose of the Community Government Finance  Program is to assist community government staff to develop knowledge and skills in the finance field as it relates to community government responsibilities.

What are the objectives of the program?

  • To introduce the theory, standards (Generally Accepted Accounting Standards (GAAP) and concepts of accounting.
  • To develop basic accounting skills used to record and analyze community transactions, prepare adjustments and complete the accounting cycle.
  • To instructs individuals to prepare and provide accurate financial information to management, council and funding agencies.
  • To demonstrate budget and quarterly financial information in preparation for elected officials.
  • To develop computerized accounting and reporting systems.
  • To better prepare finance staff for the annual audit.

Why should I take the Community Finance Training program?

Upon completion, participants will be better prepared to process financial data, report and interpret financial statements, help with the efficient operation of your community government and prepare for the annual audit.

What do participants receive upon completion?

Upon successful completion of the required 10 courses, participant receives a Certificate of Program Completion.

When and Where?

The School of Community Government develops an annual Calendar with dates and locations of annual course offerings.  Courses are delivered in various communities throughout the NWT on a rotational basis.   Some courses will soon be available online as e-Learning courses.